
For dental professionals seeking legal expertise, information, and counsel, Boyd W. Shepherd, D.D.S., J.D., and The Law Library equip and educate Texas dentists for navigating their legal concerns. Subscribe below for updates and information.

TSBDE Rule 108.6 Reporting Patient Death or Hospitalization

No one wants to have to do it, but occasionally, many dentists find themselves in a position of needing to dismiss a patient from their practice. But the majority do not do it correctly and legally. This can unnecessarily result in a Board complaint investigation and potentially, a disciplinary action. To avoid this outcome, all you need to know is TSBDE Rule 108.5 - and how to utilize it correctly. This rule will help you when you know it, and hurt you when you do not. Watch the video,... Update Three New Videos on the YouTube channel To earn one free hour of State Board approved continuing education credit from watching these Risk Management videos on the YouTube channel, please go to Recent video uploads Risk Management TSBDE Preliminary Investigations - The 5 Things That Can Make the Difference Between Dismissal and Discipline. Watch Video TSBDE Agreed Settlement Orders - If your...

To learn more on how you can earn one free hour of State Board approved continuing education credit in the area of Risk Management from watching this video and other videos on this channel, please go to Update Three New Videos on the YouTube channel To earn one free hour of State Board approved continuing education credit from watching these Risk Management videos on the YouTube channel, please go to Recent video uploads Risk Management TSBDE Preliminary Investigations - The 5 Things That Can Make the Difference Between Dismissal and Discipline. Watch Video TSBDE Agreed Settlement Orders - If your...

The Podcast with Boyd W. Shepherd, D.D.S., J.D. Tune in and subscribe in 2024 for new podcast episodes. Get the script, and listen to the podcast interview as Boyd discusses the common concerns and important questions related to disability insurance with financial planner, Daniel Cole.

Question: Why do you risk having an investigation of a Board complaint from a patient every hour of every day of your practice of dentistry in Texas? Answer: Because, you're doing it wrong. How are you doing it wrong? Because, you are relying on learning and knowing the Board rules for compliance with the rules and regulations for record keeping by taking the required Jurisprudence Assessment every four years [TSBDE Rule 104.1(4)], and from what you remember from dental school (how long ago...

TMQ&A Podcast for May 16, 2023 - Negotiation of Commercial Office Leases: Points & Strategies Subscribe to the Podcast for the Tuesday Morning Q&A To Receive your Complimentary Full Access* to the 18+ Course Law Library. Email Notice of Library Access within 24 hours of Podcast Subscription. *Excludes two Risk Management & Record Keeping Board Compliance courses.

Listen: TMQ&A Podcast for May 9, 2023 Question: The TSBDE Agreed Settlement Order: What is it, what are your options, and what next? The Tuesday Morning Q&A with Boyd W. Shepherd, D.D.S., J.D., is Now via Podcast Only. Subscribe & Receive Risk Management CE To Satisfy TSBDE 8.00 Hour Biennial Requirement

Listen: TMQ&A Podcast for May 2, 2023 Question: May I Terminate An Employee During the 90-Day Initial Employment Period? The Tuesday Morning Q&A with Boyd W. Shepherd, D.D.S., J.D., is Now via Podcast Only. Subscribe & Receive Risk Management CE To Satisfy TSBDE 8.00 Hour Biennial Requirement

Thank you to all of you who have participated in the Tuesday Morning Q&A this past year! The Tuesday Morning Q&A with Boyd W. Shepherd, D.D.S., J.D., is now via Podcast Only. To stay current with new & regularly published episodes, and to claim up to 8 hours of CE in Risk Management, please subscribe to listen to all new and past TMQ&A's. Subscribe & Receive Risk Management CE To Satisfy TSBDE 8.00 Hour Biennial Requirement